1. Connectors
Connector adalah kata penghubung dalam suatu kalimat yang menghubunhkan kalimat yang satu dengan yang lainnya dan atau untuk mengkombinasikan beberapa kalimat.
Contoh :
- She is not only clever but also creative.
- I'll take either the train or the bus to go to college.
2. Relative Clause
Relative clause adalah klausa (terdiri dari 2 kalimat) dimana kalimat yang satu menerangkan yang lain. atau untuk memberikan informasi tentang sesuatu.
Contoh :
- This company only requiring woman who has 1 year work experience.
- This is the same sweater that I wore a week ago.
3. Adjective and Adverb
Adjective merupakan kata yang menjelasjkan, mengidentifikasi atau menjelaskan lebih jauh tentang suatu benda (kata benda). Sering disebut sebagai kata sifat.
Contoh :
- She is a deft employee.
- The woman who sing this song is so beautiful.
Adverb merupakan kata yang menerangkan, menjelaskan suatu kata kerja (verb), kata sifat (adjective) maupun kata benda (noun) pada suatu kalimat.
Contoh :
- She writes quickly then finish the exam-
- There are many amazing singer.
Kunthi Ratu
Kamis, 25 Juni 2015
Rabu, 20 Mei 2015
Tugas 4
Nama: Kunthi Ratu J.
Kelas: 4EA17
NPM: 14211035
Causative Verbs (Make, Have, Get)
Make, have and get can be used to express the idea that "X" causes "Y" to do something.
When they are used as causative verbs, their meanings are similar but not identical.
X makes Y do something. (simple form)
X has Y do something. (simple form)
X gets Y to do something. (infinitive)
Causative make is followed by the simple form of a verb, not an infinitive.
(INCORRECT : She made him to clean his room.) Make gives th idea that "X" forces "Y" to do something.
(CORRECT : Mrs. Lee made her son clean his room.) In this case, Mrs. Lee's son had no choice.
Causative have is followed by the simple form of a verb, not an infinitive.
(INCORRECT : I had him to repair the leak) Have gives the idea that "X" request "Y" todo something.
(CORRECT : I had the plumber repair the leak.) In this case, The plumber repaired the leak because I asked him to.
Causative get is followed by an infinitive.
Get gives the idea that "X" persuades "Y" to do something.
(CORRECT : The students got the teacher to dissmiss class early.) In this case, In this case managed to persuade the teacher to let them leave early.
Example :
1. I made my brother to carry my suitcase.
2. Mrs. Lee made her son clean his room.
3. Sad movies make me cry.
4. I had the plumber repair the leak.
5. Jane had the waiter bring her some tea.
6. The students got the teacher to dissmiss class early.
7. Jack got his friends to play soccer with him after school.
8. I had my watch repaired by my brother.
9. The doctor made the patient stay in bed.
10. Mrs Crane hadher house painted.
Source :
Azar, Betty Schrampfer. 2006, UNDERSTANDING AND USING ENGLISH GRAMMAR, Third Edition. Whidbey Island, Washington : Longman.
Nama: Kunthi Ratu J.
Kelas: 4EA17
NPM: 14211035
Mata Kuliah: Bahasa Inggris 2
Make, have and get can be used to express the idea that "X" causes "Y" to do something.
When they are used as causative verbs, their meanings are similar but not identical.
X makes Y do something. (simple form)
X has Y do something. (simple form)
X gets Y to do something. (infinitive)
Causative make is followed by the simple form of a verb, not an infinitive.
(INCORRECT : She made him to clean his room.) Make gives th idea that "X" forces "Y" to do something.
(CORRECT : Mrs. Lee made her son clean his room.) In this case, Mrs. Lee's son had no choice.
Causative have is followed by the simple form of a verb, not an infinitive.
(INCORRECT : I had him to repair the leak) Have gives the idea that "X" request "Y" todo something.
(CORRECT : I had the plumber repair the leak.) In this case, The plumber repaired the leak because I asked him to.
Causative get is followed by an infinitive.
Get gives the idea that "X" persuades "Y" to do something.
(CORRECT : The students got the teacher to dissmiss class early.) In this case, In this case managed to persuade the teacher to let them leave early.
Example :
1. I made my brother to carry my suitcase.
2. Mrs. Lee made her son clean his room.
3. Sad movies make me cry.
4. I had the plumber repair the leak.
5. Jane had the waiter bring her some tea.
6. The students got the teacher to dissmiss class early.
7. Jack got his friends to play soccer with him after school.
8. I had my watch repaired by my brother.
9. The doctor made the patient stay in bed.
10. Mrs Crane hadher house painted.
Source :
Azar, Betty Schrampfer. 2006, UNDERSTANDING AND USING ENGLISH GRAMMAR, Third Edition. Whidbey Island, Washington : Longman.
Jumat, 08 Mei 2015
RESUME "Being Global Leader in Islamic Finance"
Kuliah Umum
"Being Global Leader in Islamic Finance"
oleh Ronald Rulindo, Ph.D
Head of Islamic Finance and Risk Management Research at Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation
Senin, 4 Mei 2015
08.30 - 11.30 WIB
Gedung D460, Universitas Gunadarma
Ekonomi Syariah di Indonesia
Pertama kali bank syariah di Indonesia yaitu bank Muamalat yang berdiri tahun 1990.
Perkembangan Ekonomi Syariah di Indonesia
Perkembangan Ekonomi syariah di Indonesia sangat lambat dibanding dengan negara lain seperti Malaysia, dan negara - negara Timur Tengah, yaitu sekitar 4,7% selama 20 tahun, karena :
1. Masyarakat belum banyak yang berminat.
2. Kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai ekonomi syariah (bank syariah).
3. Pembangunan dari bawah ke atas
4. Kurangnya investor
Cara agar perkembangan Ekonomi Syariah di Indonesia semakin tinggi
Perkembangan ekonomi syariah di Indonesia yang lambat tentu membuat kita untuk mencari bagaimana agar perkembangannya bisa naik dan terus meningkat. Berikut ada beberapa cara yang dapat meningkatkan perkembangan ekonomi syariah di Indonesia, yaitu:
1. Melakukan kegiatan edukasi dan promosi mengenai bank syariah (ekonomi syariah) kepada masyarakat,
2. Dana pemerintah agar dikelola oleh Bank - Bank Syariah di Indonesia.
3. Peningkatan mutu manajer bank syariah, memberbaiki manajemen Bank Syariah.
4. BTN melalui Bank Syariah.
5. BPD / Bank Daerah nebjadi Bank Syariah.
Bentuk Bank Syariah
Retail Banking =======> Corporate Banking =======> Investment Banking
Keterangan :
1. Retail Banking ===> Indonesia
- Ukurannya kecil
- Peminjaman dari bank syariah cost nya lebih besar dibanding bank konvensional.
2. Corporate Banking ===> Malaysia
- Sudah mulai maju
- Ukurannya lebih besar dari Retail Banking
- Investor lebih banyak
3. Investment Banking ===> Timur Tengah
- Investornya merupakan investor besar
- Masyarakatnya kaya
- Bentuk Bank Syariah yang paling maju
Rabu, 22 April 2015
Adjective, Adverb & Comparison Degree
Tugas 2
Nama : Kunthi Ratu J.
NPM : 14211035
Kelas : 4EA17
Bahasa Inggris 2
- Definition & Uses
A. Adverb
Adverbs are descriptive words which are used to add detail to a sentence. They can give important or necessary information (e.g. Please hand me the scalpel now), or they can just make the sentence more interesting or detailed (e.g. A wind blew violently andunceasingly around the town). Adverbs usually modify verbs, and they frequently end in-ly.
Adverbs can be indentified by how or where or when:
The dog ran quickly.
How did the dog run? It ran quickly.
Uses of Adverbs
* Adverbs answer the question how (e.g. How is the dog running?), as well as when, and where.
The dog ran quickly.
Quickly is modifying the verb ran.
* The adverb doesn't have to go after the verb; feel free to vary the sentence structure to make it more interesting for you reader:
Silently, the girl snuck past her parent's room.
* Adverbs can also modify adjective and other adverbs.
The dog ran fairly quickly.
The adverb fairly is modifying the other adverb quickly.
B. Adjective
Adjectives are descriptive words which are used to add detail to a sentence. They can give important or necessary information (e.g. Please hand me the blue paper), or they can just make the sentence more interesting or detailed (e.g. A frigid, icy, painfully coldwind around blew around the town). Adjectives modify (describe) nouns.
Adjective can usually be indentified by asking what:
The girl is beautiful.
What is the girl? She's beautiful.
Uses of Adjective
*Adjective can tell reader how much - or how many - of something you're talking about, which thing you want passed to you, or which kind you want.
Please use three white flowers in the arrangement.
Three and white are modifying flowers.
*If you are using multiple adjective which are commonly put together, there's no need for a comma between the adjectives.
Look at the sweet little puppy!
*If the adjectives aren't usually used together, separate them with a comma or conjuction.
I'm looking for a small, good-tempered dog to keep as a pet.
My new dog is small and good-tempered.
*Adjectives usually go before the noun (e.g. small child) unless one of the following verbs are involved: be, feel, taste, smell, sound, look, appear, seem. In these cases, the adjectives work more like adverbs.
The child is small.
The child seems small.
- Differences
The Basic Rules: Adjectives
2. Comparison Degree
* The Positive Degree
The positive degree of and adjective in comparisson is the adjective in its simple form. It is used to denote the more existence of some quality of what we speak about. It is used when no comparison is made.
> It is a tall building.
> Apple is sweet to taste.
* The Comparative Degree
The comparative degree is used to compare the qualities of two persons or things.
The comparative degree denotes the existence of a higher degree of the quality than the positive. It used when two things (or two sets of things) are compared.
> This building is taller than any other building.
> Apple is sweeter than pear.
* The Superlative Degree
The superlative degree denotes the existence of the highets degree of the quality. It used when more than two things are compared.
> This is tallest building.
> Apple is the sweetest fruit.
Example :
* The Positive Degree
Source :
Nama : Kunthi Ratu J.
NPM : 14211035
Kelas : 4EA17
Bahasa Inggris 2
- Definition & Uses
A. Adverb
Adverbs are descriptive words which are used to add detail to a sentence. They can give important or necessary information (e.g. Please hand me the scalpel now), or they can just make the sentence more interesting or detailed (e.g. A wind blew violently andunceasingly around the town). Adverbs usually modify verbs, and they frequently end in-ly.
Adverbs can be indentified by how or where or when:
The dog ran quickly.
How did the dog run? It ran quickly.
Uses of Adverbs
* Adverbs answer the question how (e.g. How is the dog running?), as well as when, and where.
The dog ran quickly.
Quickly is modifying the verb ran.
* The adverb doesn't have to go after the verb; feel free to vary the sentence structure to make it more interesting for you reader:
Silently, the girl snuck past her parent's room.
* Adverbs can also modify adjective and other adverbs.
The dog ran fairly quickly.
The adverb fairly is modifying the other adverb quickly.
B. Adjective
Adjectives are descriptive words which are used to add detail to a sentence. They can give important or necessary information (e.g. Please hand me the blue paper), or they can just make the sentence more interesting or detailed (e.g. A frigid, icy, painfully coldwind around blew around the town). Adjectives modify (describe) nouns.
Adjective can usually be indentified by asking what:
The girl is beautiful.
What is the girl? She's beautiful.
Uses of Adjective
*Adjective can tell reader how much - or how many - of something you're talking about, which thing you want passed to you, or which kind you want.
Please use three white flowers in the arrangement.
Three and white are modifying flowers.
*If you are using multiple adjective which are commonly put together, there's no need for a comma between the adjectives.
Look at the sweet little puppy!
*If the adjectives aren't usually used together, separate them with a comma or conjuction.
I'm looking for a small, good-tempered dog to keep as a pet.
My new dog is small and good-tempered.
*Adjectives usually go before the noun (e.g. small child) unless one of the following verbs are involved: be, feel, taste, smell, sound, look, appear, seem. In these cases, the adjectives work more like adverbs.
The child is small.
The child seems small.
- Differences
The Basic Rules: Adjectives
Adjectives modify nouns. To modify means to change in some way. For example:
- "I ate a meal." Meal is a noun. We don't know what kind of meal; all we know is that someone ate a meal.
- "I ate an enormous lunch." Lunch is a noun, and enormous is an adjective that modifies it. It tells us what kind of meal the person ate.
Adjectives usually answer one of a few different questions: "What kind?" or "Which?" or "How many?" For example:
- "The tall girl is riding a new bike." Tall tells us which girl we're talking about. New tells us what kind of bike we're talking about.
- "The tough professor gave us the final exam." Tough tells us what kind of professor we're talking about. Final tells us which exam we're talking about.
- "Fifteen students passed the midterm exam; twelve students passed the final exam." Fifteen and twelve both tell us how many students; midterm and final both tell us which exam.
So, generally speaking, adjectives answer the following questions:
- Which?
- What kind of?
- How many?
The Basic Rules: Adverbs
Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. (You can recognize adverbs easily because many of them are formed by adding -ly to an adjective, though that is not always the case.) The most common question that adverbs answer is how.
Let's look at verbs first.
- "She sang beautifully." Beautifully is an adverb that modifies sang. It tells us how she sang.
- "The cellist played carelessly." Carelessly is an adverb that modifies played. It tells us how the cellist played.
Adverbs also modify adjectives and other adverbs.
- "That woman is extremely nice." Nice is an adjective that modifies the noun woman. Extremely is an adverb that modifies nice; it tells us how nice she is. How nice is she? She's extremely nice.
- "It was a terribly hot afternoon." Hot is an adjective that modifies the noun afternoon. Terribly is an adverb that modifies the adjective hot. How hot is it? Terribly hot.
So, generally speaking, adverbs answer the question how. (They can also answer the questions when, where, and why.)
2. Comparison Degree
* The Positive Degree
The positive degree of and adjective in comparisson is the adjective in its simple form. It is used to denote the more existence of some quality of what we speak about. It is used when no comparison is made.
> It is a tall building.
> Apple is sweet to taste.
* The Comparative Degree
The comparative degree is used to compare the qualities of two persons or things.
The comparative degree denotes the existence of a higher degree of the quality than the positive. It used when two things (or two sets of things) are compared.
> This building is taller than any other building.
> Apple is sweeter than pear.
* The Superlative Degree
The superlative degree denotes the existence of the highets degree of the quality. It used when more than two things are compared.
> This is tallest building.
> Apple is the sweetest fruit.
Example :
* The Positive Degree
1. Martha is a nice girl.
2. Marthin speak english well.
3. China is big country.
4. This flower is beautiful.
5. He is an intellegent student.
* The Comparative Degree
1. She is prettier than her sister.
2. China is bigger than India.
3. Take the shorter of the two routes.
4. She is smarter than him.
5. Your old brother is wiser than you.
* The Superlative Degree
1. Tina is the most intellegent girl in my class.
2. Rusia is the biggest country in the world.
3. This is the most interesting book I ever read.
4. This flower is the most beautiful one in the garden.
5. This is the best singer in this country
Source :
Rabu, 25 Maret 2015
Tugas 1
Kunthi Ratu J.
Kelas: 4EA17
NPM: 14211035
Mata Kuliah: Bahasa Inggris 2
A conditional sentences typically consists of an if-clause (which presents a condition) and a result clause.
Example : If it rains, the street get wet.
Conditional Sentences Type 1
True in the Present or Future
In conditional sentences that express true, factual ideas in the present/future, the simple present (not the simple future) is used in the if-clause.
If + Simple Present,
Simple Present
+ will + simple
If I don’t eat breakfast, I always get hungry
during class.
The result clause has various possible verb forms. A result clause
verb can be:
The simple present, to express a habitual
activity or situation, as in (a).
Either the simple present or the simple
future, to express an established, predictable fact or general truth, as in
The simple future, to express particular
activity or situation in the future, as in (c).
Modals and phrasal modals such as should,
might, can, be going to, as id (d).
An imperative verb, as in (e).
b. Water freezes or will freeze if the
temperature reaches 32 degrees F/0 degrees C.
If I
don’t eat breakfast tomorrow morning, I will get hungry during class.
If it
rains, we should stay home.
If it rains, I might decide to stay home.
If it rains, we can’t go.
If it rains, we’re going to stay home.
If anyone calss, please take a message.
If anyone should call, please take a message.
Sometimes, should is used in an if-clause. It indicates a little more
uncertainty than the use of the simple present, but basically the meaning of
examples (e) and (f) is the same.
Conditional Sentences Type 2
Untrue (Contrary to Fact) in the Present or Future
This type is often called the hypothetical or 'unreal' future conditional since it is usually used to speculate about either very unlikely future situations or present and future impossibilities.
If + Simple Past
would + Simple form
Examples :
If I taught this class, I wouldn’t give tests.
If he were here right now, he would help us.
If I were you, I would accept their
In (a) : In truth, I don’t teach the class.
In (b) : In truth, he is not here right now.
In (c) : In truth, I am not you.
Were is used for both singular and plural subjects. Was (with I, he,
she, it) is sometimes used in informal speech : If I was you, I accept their
If I
had enough money, I would buy a car.
If I had enough money, I could but a car
In (d) : The speaker wants a car, but doesn’t have enough money.
Would expresses desired or predictable results.
In (e) : The speaker is expressing one possible result. Could = would
be able to. Could expresses possible option.
Conditional Sentences Type 2
Untrue (Contrary to Fact) in the Past
This type refers to hypothetical situations in the past. It is impossible that the condition will be fulfilled because it refers to the past.
If + Past Perfect
would have + Past Participle
Examples :
If you had told me about problem, I would have
helped you.
If they
had studied, they would have passed the exam.
If I hadn’t slipped on the stairs, I wouldn’t have
broken my arm.
In (a) : In truth, you did not tell me about it.
In (b) : In truth, they did not study. Therefore, they failed the
In (c) : In truth, I slipped on the stairs. I broke my arm.
The auxiliary are almost always contracted in speech. “If you’d told
me, I would’ve helped you (or I’d’ve helped you).
If I
had had enough money, I would have bought a car.
If I had had enough money, I could have bought
a car.
In (d) : Would expresses desired or predictable results.
In (e) : Could expresses possible option; could have bought = would
have been able to buy.
Source :
- Azar, Betty Schrampfer. 2006. UNDERSTANDING AND USING ENGLISH GRAMMAR, Third Edition. Whidbey Island, Washington : Longman.
- https://www.tesol-direct.com/guide-to-english-grammar/conditional-sentences
- https://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/conditional-sentences
Kamis, 01 Januari 2015
Tulisan 10 Etika Bisnis
1. Klik Start
2. Klik Program
3. Klik Microsoft Visual
Studio 6.0
4. Klik Microsoft Visual Basic
Kemudian akan terbuka jendela
visual basic sebagai berikut:
Klik open.
5. Klik Label
(pada tool bar)
Kemudian drag pada form, buat kotak dan ganti caption “Label1”
Ganti dengan “Konversi Nilai”
6. Kemudian klik tool bar Label, untuk membuat nama Nilai
dan Hasil, caranya sama seperti saat membuat Label Konversi Nilai.
7. Klik TexBox dan lalu drag pada form untuk membuat kolom
tex pada sebelah Nilai dan Hasil
8. Klik Command Button lalu drag pada form untuk membuat OK,
Bersih dan Close
Ganti tulisan Command 1, 2 dan 3 pada caption dengan OK,
Bersih dan Close.
9. Kemudian klik command Button OK pada form, maka akan muncul jendela form code untuk mengisi koding.
Isilah form dengan koding diatas, maksud dari koding diatas adalah:
Apabila Nilai yang diinput diatas 80, maka Hasil akan A
Apabila Nilai yang diinput diatas sama dengan 70, dibawah
sama dengan 79 maka Hasil akan B
Apabila Nilai yang diinput diatas sama dengan 60, dibawah
sama dengan 69 maka Hasil akan C
Apabila Nilai yang diinput diatas sama dengan 0, dibawah
sama dengan 59 maka Hasil akan D
10. untuk uji coba, tekan F5. Masukkan nilai, kemudian tekan
OK. Maka akan menunjukkan Hasil sesuai kodingan tadi
11. Untuk command button Bersih, klik dua kali dan kemudian
masukan koding sbb
Lalu tekan F5, dan kemudian tekan Bersih. Maka text akan
12. Untuk command button Close, klik dua kali dan kemudian
masukan koding End sbb
Lalu tekan F5 dan klik Close maka
form akan tertutup.
Tulisan 9 Etika Bisnis
Bank Indonesia dan OJK
itu Bank Indonesia?
Bank Indonesia (BI, dulu
disebut De Javasche Bank) adalah bank sentral Republik Indonesia. Sebagai bank sentral, BI
mempunyai satu tujuan tunggal, yaitu mencapai dan memelihara kestabilan nilai rupiah. Kestabilan nilai rupiah
ini mengandung dua aspek, yaitu kestabilan nilai mata uang terhadap barang dan
jasa, serta kestabilan terhadap mata uang negara lain.
Kapan berdirinya Bank
Tahun 1828 De Javasche Bank didirikan oleh
Pemerintah Hindia Belanda sebagai bank sirkulasi yang bertugas mencetak dan
mengedarkan uang.
Tahun 1953, Undang-Undang Pokok Bank Indonesia
menetapkan pendirian Bank Indonesia untuk menggantikan fungsi De Javasche Bank
sebagai bank sentral, dengan tiga tugas utama di bidang moneter, perbankan, dan
sistem pembayaran.
Tahun 1968 diterbitkan Undang-Undang Bank
Sentral yang mengatur kedudukan dan tugas Bank Indonesia sebagai bank sentral,
terpisah dari bank-bank lain yang melakukan fungsi komersial.
Tahun 1999 merupakan Babak baru dalam sejarah
Bank Indonesia, sesuai dengan UU No.23/1999 yang menetapkan tujuan tunggal Bank
Indonesia yaitu mencapai dan memelihara kestabilan nilai rupiah.
Tahun 2004, Undang-Undang Bank Indonesia
diamandemen dengan fokus pada aspek penting yang terkait dengan pelaksanaan
tugas dan wewenang Bank Indonesia, termasuk penguatan governance.
Pada tahun 2008, Pemerintah mengeluarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti
Undang-Undang No.2 tahun 2008 tentang Perubahan Kedua atas Undang-Undang No.23
tahun 1999 tentang Bank Indonesia sebagai bagian dari upaya menjaga stabilitas
sistem keuangan.
Dimana letak Bank Indonesia?
Bank Indonesia pertama kali didirikan di Jakarta, Indonesia yang terletak di Jl.
Pintu Besar Utara No.3, Jakarta Barat (depan stasiun Bus Kota), dengan nama De
Javasche Bank yang
beraliran neo-klasikal, dipadu dengan pengaruh lokal, dan dibangun pertama kali
pada tahun 1828. Sekarang gedung
tersebut menjadi Museum Bank Indonesia sebagai cagar budaya peninggalan De Javasche Bank.Sementara itu, kantor perwakilan dalam negeri Bank
Indonesia, ada di setiap provinsi.
pendiri Bank Indonesia?
Raden Mas Margono Djojohadikusumo (lahir 16 Mei 1894 – meninggal 25 Juli 1978 pada umur 84 tahun) adalah pendiri Bank Negara
Ia adalah orang tua dari Begawan Ekonomi Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Soemitro
Struktur Organisasi Bank Indonesia
Mengapa Bank Indonesia didirikan?
Perbandingan Bank
Indonesia dan OJK
Bank Indonesia
Mencapai dan memelihara
kestabilan nilai rupiah.
Kestabilan nilai rupiah ini mengandung
dua aspek, yaitu:
nilai mata uang terhadap barang dan jasa
kestabilan terhadap mata uang negara lain
Terselenggara secara teratur, adil, transparan, dan
Mampu mewujudkan sistem keuangan yang tumbuh secara
berkelanjutan dan stabil, dan
Mampu melindungi kepentingan konsumen dan masyarakat
Menjadi lembaga bank sentral yang
kredibel dan terbaik di regional melalui penguatan nilai-nilai strategis yang
dimiliki serta pencapaian inflasi yang rendah dan nilai tukar yang stabil.
lembaga pengawas industri jasa keuangan yang terpercaya
kepentingan konsumen dan masyarakat
mewujudkan industri jasa keuangan menjadi pilar perekonomian nasional yang
berdaya saing global serta dapat memajukan kesejahteraan umum.
stabilitas nilai rupiah dan menjaga efektivitas transmisi kebijakan moneter.
sistem keuangan nasional bekerja secara efektif dan efisien serta mampu
bertahan terhadap gejolak internal dan eksternal
sistem pembayaran yang aman, efisien, dan lancar yang berkontribusi terhadap
perekonomian, stabilitas moneter dan stabilitas sistem keuangan dengan
memperhatikan aspek perluasan akses dan kepentingan nasional.
dan memelihara organisasi dan SDM Bank Indonesia yang menjunjung tinggi
nilai-nilai strategis dan berbasis kinerja, serta melaksanakan tata kelola
(governance) yang berkualitas dalam rangka melaksanakan tugas yang
diamanatkan UU.
Mewujudkan terselenggaranya seluruh kegiatan di
dalam sektor jasa keuangan secara teratur, adil, transparan, dan akuntabel;
Mewujudkan sistem keuangan yang tumbuh secara
berkelanjutan dan stabil;
Melindungi kepentingan konsumen dan masyarakat
- Nilai Strategis
Memperkuat pengendalian inflasi dari sisi
permintaan dan penawaran
Menjaga stabilitas nilai tukar
Mendorong pasar keuangan yang dalam dan
Menjaga SSK yang didukung dengan penguatan
rveillance SP
Mewujudkan keuangan inklusif yang
terarah, efisien, dan sinergis
Memelihara SP yang aman, efisien, dan
Memperkuat pengelolaan keuangan BI yang
Mewujudkan proses kerja efektif dan efisien
dengan dukungan SI, kultur, dan governance
Mempercepat ketersediaan SDM yang kompeten
Memperkuat aliansi strategis dan
meningkatkan persepsi positif BI
Memantapkan kelancaran transisi pengalihan
fungsi pengawasan bank ke OJK
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